Tuesday, September 18, 2012

oh you know, just some things.

I like lists, I really do, and I make them for everything and anything.

1. I literally just tried to leave someone a note in cursive and it took me so much longer to write it out. How sad is that? And I paused a few times because I forgot how that letter looked in cursive. What has this world come to. Do they teach cursive in school anymore, because I don't think anyone uses it. Oh and on top of my forgetting how to write, it looked horrible. I thought it would look pretty to leave a note in cursive, total handwriting FAIL. I re-wrote it I was so disgusted with how it looked.

2. I borrowed an audiobook from the library last week. Lets talk about one I got a library card. I haven't stepped foot in a library since high school maybe, scratch that I went to the library in college. I kind of like someone reading a book to me. Beats me having to lick my fingers to turn the page, and it makes my hour drive to work a little more enjoyable. And I am not ashamed that I crack up laughing alone in the car and people can see me and think I am crazy. oh the first book I got was Bossypants by Tina Fey, better yet also read by Tina Fey.

3. While in Target my husband browses the Lego isle, pondering what he can buy and build in five minutes. After that he yearns for more, like a crack addiction. I browse the isles to find things I can play with to pass the time, or things I can try on a take a photo of myself. Evidence below.

4. Did you read my 30 before 30 list? I am pumped to achieve everything on that list. I even got my husband to make one. He even printed both of them out and laminated them. And if something is laminated then that means it is legit in my book. Like a name badge or a library card.

5. Everyday. 32 Things that will ruin your morning routine. Especially #1 and #21.

6. oh my goodness, so true and always so funny. This is really the shit we say, or at least I say all the time.

7. My husband said while I was in my slumber mode last night, I started talking to him. He said I was upset cause we have no more tomatoes to eat. He said I was pretty upset about this. Something is wrong with me. I love hearing stories like this though. I thought it was hilarious when he told me this morning.

8. I had this project I have been working on at home for about ohhhh a year and a half. I have been lining the back of our bookshelves with wall paper. Really it is a simple task, I am just super lazy. Well, I finished like 2 weeks ago. I WAS SO PROUD. Like I ran into the "man cave" and immediately asked for a high five from my husband.

9. Also on the project home front, I have actually started a little something and I am just about done. I am actually pretty happy with myself for the timely manner I am completing this in. I have taken inspiration a la Jenna Sue and thought those would look nice in my dining room. Almost complete, and I will share when I am done.

10. Did anyone else see this guys dance last night during the Broncos vs. Falcons Football game? Please watch this and try not to laugh at his celebration dance after Von Miller(Broncos) sacks Matt Ryan the quarterback from the Falcons. My husband and I rewinded (rewound?) the DVR multiple times and died laughing, and then started to imitate the dance.

11. Even though the Broncos lost last night, I am very happy because I needed some points from Willis McGahee to win my fantasy game, and he pulled through in a great way. He must have heard my facebook plea. I may have done a happy dance and chanted "i win, i win, i win, i win, hey i win!" obnoxious I know.

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